More than just simulating

Learn, have fun, andFly with us (LIVE)

Study Materials andTests

About Us

Hello, I'm Climbinho Abreu. For those who don't know me, along with the director of logs, I'm responsible for evaluating and approving all the logs at Climb. I hope you don't get mad at me, but that's my job. Well, we have no association with any airline and their logos and names are protected and exclusively used by CLIMB VIRTUAL AIRLINES.

Exclusive System

We have a complete and exclusive system with roster booking, exciting tours, making your simulation much more realistic.

Flight Reporting

SmartCars. One of the most advanced flight tracking programs. Developed by TFDi. Exclusive voice communication (complete).


Modern flight planning system, including (SID and STAR), accurate fuel calculations, and real METAR.

We will be very happy to have you with us SIGN UP NOW!

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Climb App

Climb App  

Checking your flights, Cmoney, booking a layover, checking the METAR and CHARTS just got easier. GO WITH THE APP. COMMANDER.
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Regular Tours

TOURS! - Thematic "LEGS" to be performed alone or in a group during a specified period. Let's Fly, COMMANDER.
Download now



EVENT! - Flying on a special date to gather and celebrate a special occasion with friends. Let's go, COMMANDER?

Climb in Numbers

Come be part of our Statistics.

Active Pilots
Our Fleet
Total Flights
Number of Routes

Promotional Video

Climb Virtual ECO SKIES painted by Guilherme Mello. Credits:

Visit our official Climb channel on YouTube. You will find various tutorials on the peculiarities of our Schedule system. Plus, you can have fun with live broadcasts during special events.

Climb Airlines

Join our Global Community

IVAO is more than flying and controlling, it is part of a community of over 210,000 members in more than 80 countries who share their passion for aviation.

Flight Information